Gold Supporter
Gold Supporter - CHF 11'500
Simply select the Supporter Package that best suits your profile! In return you’ll benefit from tickets in the best seats, VIP treatment, private concerts, and lots more… Plenty of good reasons to join this community!

Swiss Open Gstaad
- 2 permanent numbered tickets in the covered Supporters’ Grandstand
- Eligibility for additional discounted tickets in the Supporters’ Grandstand for your guests
- Access to special Supporters’ events including Skybox drinks, meet-the-players sessions, tastings, etc.
- 2 invitations to the Supporters’ Night with cocktail and dinner
- Permanent access to the bar in the VIP tent incl. drinks
- On request access to the VIP tent with 3-course menu at a discounted price
- 2 vouchers for a glass of champagne, redeemable at the bar in the VIP tent
- Parking permit at the VIP car park
- Personal or corporate name in the tournament magazine as a Supporter
Gstaad Menuhin Festival & Academy
- Your order for tickets will be processed before tickets go on sale officially on February 1, subject to your order being received in good time
- 2 tickets in the best seats for each of 4 marquee concerts of your choice
- Parking permit for your car near the Saanen Church and the festival marquee
- Invitation to the gala dinner at the Gstaad Palace following the annual meeting of the Friends of the Festival and the concert that follows
- 2 drinks of your choice in the Friends of the Festival Lounge under the marquee
- Access to the Friends of the Festival Lounge under the marquee (introductions to the concerts / discussions)
- Free admission to the Gstaad Academy (master classes in piano, conducting, voice, strings and Baroque)
- Listing as a Friend of the Festival in each weekly programme
Swatch Beach Pro Gstaad
- 2 VIP Silver tickets for the entire tournament week:
Seat on the covered VIP grandstand
Access to the VIP bar with snacks and drinks
VIP parking lot with shuttle service - Invitation for 2 people to the supporter dinner
- Mention in the program booklet
Country Night Gstaad
- 2 category II concert tickets (Saturday) and invitation for 2 to the Sponsors’ Party
- Listing in the programme
Hublot Polo Gold Cup Gstaad
- 2 admission tickets for the Polo Gala Night on the Saturday (registration essential)
- 2 admission tickets for the Polo Lunch in the VIP tent on the Saturday (registration essential)
- Access to the VIP car park
Sommets Musicaux de Gstaad
- Priority advance ticket sales, providing your order is received in good time
- Invitation for 2 to the "concert des Amis" at the Saanen Church, subject to availability, followed by dinner at the Gstaad Palace (inscription necessary)
- CD of the winner of the Prix Thierry Scherz
- Personal or corporate name mentioned in the main programme
+ Add-On
- CHF 1'500.– Transferable annual mountain railways subscription for the Destination Gstaad,
incl. winter-parking-card BDG* - CHF 400.– Parking permit issued by the Saanen municipality, max. 2 hrs
- CHF 140.– Swiss cross-country ski pass
All prices are per annual membership excl. VAT. Packages and Upgrades subject to change.
* maximum of 2 subscriptions and 2 parking permits per membership, without Glacier 3000.