Ski camps & school flat rates
Prices & Terms and Conditions for Ski Camps
The Skiwelt Gstaad has many attractive offers for schools and ski camps. The lifts and cable cars offer discounted rates and special tariff conditions in high- and low-season for organisers of ski camps.

Extract from Lifts and Cable Car Prices
Definition of a Ski Camp
A ski camp for schoolchildren and youths must be organised by one of the authorised institutions listed below. These concessions are not available to ski camps organised by third parties (tour operators, transport companies etc.) The stay in the resort is in closed groups under the supervision of at least one responsible leader (teacher, tour leader etc.) over the age of 16.
- Child rate applies up to and including year 9 of compulsory school.
- Youth rate applies from age 17 to age 19.
The rates are valid from 1 to 31 days. The duration of the camp is defined as the period of time during which the majority of the group is present.
Eligible institutions
Children's, schoolchildren's and youth camps organised by public and private schools/universities, children's homes and institutes, church and charity organisations, scout divisions, apprentice and vocational schools, Youth+Sports groups, ski clubs, sports associations. Please submit a confirmation letter from the organising institution when ordering the tickets.
Minimum number
10 paying, skiing children and/or youths. Non-skiers, adults, group leaders travelling free and leaders with youth-rate tickets do not count.