Winter biking, for which Mountainbikes are usually used, is becoming increasingly popular among outdoors-minded people looking for new sporting challenges. There is a wide range of winter biking activities on offer in the Destination Gstaad. Winter biking is permitted on most of the region’s winter walking trails. On the ideal winter biking terrain at Sparenmoos above Zweisimmen there is a choice of various attractive circular tours and downhill runs.
Besides Hotspot Sparenmoos, winter biking in the Destination Gstaad is generally permitted on the existing winter hiking trails. Bikers should observe any existing cycling prohibitions.
Please note! In terms of the existing national guidelines of the Swiss Ropeway Association and the Swiss Commission for the Prevention of Accidents on Snow Sport Runs, winter sports pistes, winter hiking trails and toboggan runs that are accessed by mountain railways are excluded.

Gstaad Saanenland Tourism recommends the following winter hiking trails:
- 2 - Sparenmoos - Hüsliberg - Tolmoos - Sparenmoos; 3.0 km
- 2.1 - Sparenmoos - Schiltenegg - Sparenmoos (Rundweg); 6.5 km
- 3 - Sparenmoos - Site Alp - Sparenmoos; 4.0 Km
- 13 - Gstaad - Grund - Clösterli - Feutersoey; 8.6 km
- 14 - Feutersoey - Saali - Gsteig; 6.4 km
- 17 - Gstaad - Bissen - Turbach; 5.3 km
- 50 - Schwarzensee - Heimchueweid - Zweisimmen
- 51 - Sparenmoos - Heimchueweid - Zweisimmen; 6.5 km

Mountainbikes have oversized tyres. These act as a kind of bicycle "snowshoe". Winter biking as a group, either as a club or workplace outing or just with friends, only adds to the fun. Mountainbikes are available at all bike shops in the Destination and as a standard winter tourist offer at Sparenmoos. Groups wishing to participate must make prior reservations.
Moutainbike Renting
Bike Guides

Experience more and mountain bike properly with professional tour guides. Ideal for beginners and more advanced mountain bikers who would like to get even more out of their stay in the Destination Gstaad.

Mountainbikes may be transported by bus up to Sparenmoos. Larger groups should make prior reservation. Bikes can also be transported by train.
- Flyer Sparenmoos
- By Train: Timetable
Share the trail - respect each other!

In the Destination Gstaad, hikers, mountain bikers and other outdoor enthusiasts largely share the same trails. It is therefore important that people are tolerant and considerate towards others. Mountain bikers should slow down to walking pace when overtaking other people and must give way to hikers when their paths cross on narrow trails. Hikers must accept mountain bikers as equal trail users and should make way for them where this is possible and sensible.
- Use trails at your own risk. Adjust your riding to suit the terrain and your skill level.
- Do not break if the wheels are locked!
- Stay on roads and trails. To cut across country is strictly prohibited.
- Show consideration when encountering and overtaking hikers and other trail users. Due consideration must also be given to animals and plants.
- Animals on the trail have the right of way. Animals should only be approached slowly
- Gates and pasture fences must always be closed after riding through them.
- Waste must be disposed of properly.
- It is important to plan a bike ride well and to take suitable equipment with you.
- Save the emergency ambulance number 144 and the emergency police number 117 to your mobile phone.
No liability can be accepted for any accidents.