Schönried – Rellerli – Bire – Sparenmoos

- Linear route
- Scenic
- Geological highlights
- Fauna
- Refreshment stops available
- Flora

Enjoy the magnificent mountain scenery of Saanenland and the Fribourg Alps as you hike from Schönried up to the Rellerli via Bire to Sparenmoos.
From Sparenmoos you can either hike down the last 4 km to Zweisimmen, take the hiking taxi, or rent a scooter at Site Alp and enjoy an exciting ride back to the Zweisimmen train station.
More information on Travel & Public Transport. (just in German)
Gstaad Saanenland Tourismus
Haus des Gastes
Promenade 41
3780 Gstaad
Tel.: +41 (0)33 748 81 81
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